Web-Based Journey Risk Assessment (JRA)

“Prevention is always better than cure” – this timeless proverb embodies our philosophy at HE India. We firmly believe that all accidents can be prevented through the adoption of proactive measures. Journey Risk Assessment (JRA) offers users an invaluable tool that allows them to identify potential hazards and risks on the roads before they even begin their journey. By implementing precautionary actions ahead of time, we can significantly reduce the chances of incidents or accidents occurring. JRA, a concept developed by Market Web Guru India, has been successfully implemented by various renowned organizations. In light of the current global circumstances, which limit physical movement and commuting, Market Web Guru India has introduced an innovative, alternative solution – the Web-Based Journey Risk Assessment program.
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    • Key Benefits of Web-Based JRA:

      No Physical Involvement Required: Assessors do not need to travel to conduct the assessment.

      Accurate Risk Profiling: Risks are categorized into High, Medium, or Low with precision.

      Identification of Enroute Hazards: Potential hazards on the route are flagged in advance.

      Hazard Mitigation Plans: Tailored plans are provided to address and manage identified risks.

      Speed Recommendations: The ideal speed for each zone is specified to ensure safe travel.

      Ready-to-Implement Reports: Once the situation returns to normal, organizations receive comprehensive, actionable reports, allowing them to implement safety measures promptly.

      Cost Savings: Significant cost reduction compared to on-site assessments (including expenses for man-days, accommodation, travel, and transportation).

      With the Web-Based JRA, organizations can stay ahead of potential risks, ensuring the safety of their workforce while saving time and money.